Bree is my husband's favorite. She's cool, competent, and red-headed (as am I - OK, at least that last part).
If you'd asked me (or probably anyone else in America) whether this show would even be started, let along last longer than 3 episodes, we'd have weighed in heavily on the negative. The day of the housewife seemed as dead as the dodo.
But, surprise, it's an outrageous hit!
So, what's the attraction to the admittedly retro show? Well, I can think of several things:
- It does provide a non-child (I can't honestly call it adult) humor situation, based on stuff that kids will not generally find funny.
- The "housewives" are sensational-looking.
- Their lives are emotionally complicated, but nicely cleaned and decorated.
- The problems they face are so far outside normal reality, it provides a break from RL - blackmail, murder, home prostitution, etc. This is as far from "reality" as "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor".
- The clothes - even the frumpiest are color-coordinated. And their hair never needs washing.
- They have paid helpers. I want that!
- They never seem to clean house! But, their homes are always clean! How do they do that?
- Better, how do they persuade their husbands to pay for the domestic help?
- Not to mention the cost of the face and body lifts. Those non-droopy body parts don't come cheap!
Well, I have many more questions and comments, but I need to get ready for my temp job, so come back tomorrow.
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